Participate in an online discussion group to champion safety for walkers and bikers in Pine Hills and earn a $60 Amazon gift card.
• Live or work in Pine Hills
• Have reliable access to the internet via computer or mobile device
• Have an email address
If you answered yes to all of the above, you qualify to participate in an online discussion group about bicycle and pedestrian safety in Pine Hills.
Open to the first 30 people. We’re only interested in your opinions, ideas and experiences. We won’t try to sell you anything.
You will be asked to visit an online discussion board to share your thoughts in four (4) different sessions. You will be joined by other Pine Hills residents and a moderator. The discussion will be conducted fully online, so participants only need to be able to access the internet via computer or mobile device on each of the study days.
The researchers are only interested in opinions. Participants will never be asked to sign up for or to buy anything. Participants in the study will share insights to help create pedestrian and bicycle safety advertisements that will be shown on billboards, posters, social media and TV in Pine Hills.
The total estimated time commitment is 1-2 hours over the course of one week. Upon successful completion of all requirements, a $60 Amazon gift card will be delivered to the email provided by each participant by June 30, 2021.
Online. The website will be sent to the email address you provide when you sign up.
Independent research and communications firm seeking individuals to participate in an online discussion
group to inform safety campaign messaging for people who walk or bike at night in Pine Hills.